How can you PASS IT FORWARD?
There are lots of ways to get involved in the work we do, starting with being kind to one another.
But for those who would like to be more involved, we have several ways you can.
Pass it Forward
Financial contributions are always appreciated. All donations will be used to help promote upcoming events, purchase supplies, and contribute to the Y-PIF™ fund. Payments are secure and you are welcome to remain anonymous.
We couldn’t do what we do without our corporate sponsors. These folks provide time, money, and resources because they believe in the mission of ePIFanyNow™ to make the world a kinder, gentler place. If you own a business or manage corporate giving, we invite you to consider joining these fine folks:
We rely on volunteers to help us spread the word about what ePIFanyNow™ is all about. Volunteers are also needed at the annual events. Please email us at if you are interested in helping.
Spread the Kindness
Of course, the way everyone can be involved is to spread the kindness. Here are some ways to do just that.
10 Ways to Spread Kindness
Spreading kindness doesn’t have to cost you anything but can make a world of difference to others. Here are some ways you can spread the kindness:
- Exchange a smile with a stranger
- Open doors for others
- Walk someone’s dog
- Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading the car
- Play music or sing for the elderly, whether in their homes or a nursing facility
- Compliment a stranger
- Visit an elderly person in need of assistance
- Offer someone a ride in a safe setting
- Let someone go ahead of you in line
- Give your leftover dinner to someone living on the street

Why We Do What We Do…
Since 2012, ePIFanyNow™ has presented the Y-PIF™ award to youth Passing Kindness Forward. Below are just a few of the award recipients and nominees.

Skyler Medes
Skyler’s family has been fostering children for years. Her project, “Suitcases for Kids,” collects clothes & supplies for foster kids who often arrive with nothing.

Rachel Kilmer
Rachel has been a teen volunteer at the Capital Area Humane Society for four years. A tireless volunteer, Rachel has been a role model to peers and youngsters, alike.

Jeremie Bordua
Jeremie gained national attention for thank-you party for police officers, whom he felt were unduly criticized in the media.

Sebastian Williams
Sebastian had participated in the "Lansing Walk to End Alzheimers" for several years - before deciding to organize the first-ever kid-only walk.

Isabelle Wynn & Zoe Zielger
Isabelle & Zoe organized a 5k - and raised over $1k - for the "Life as a Zebra Foundation," bringing awareness those who suffer with incurable, invisible illnesses.

Rachel Munzenberger
Rachel and her friends raised thousands of dollars for a younger neighbor with Dystonia, a rare neuro-muscular disorder.